The Races

Both these race distance events are challenging. The Hilly Half involves 1,650ft (500m) of elevation gain. You can expect to add at least 15% to your PB for a half marathon.  Finishers of the Ultra 10 km are typically out on the course for between 1hr and 1h 45mins. The course includes hills, stiles, gates, rough tracks, and uneven ground, all set with spectacular views. There is no requirement to be fast, but please only enter the event if you have a good level of general fitness and some experience of running over hilly terrain.

To maximise affordability for all and reduce our environmental impact, we will not be providing race t-shirts and have lowered entry fees accordingly. A full range of finish-line goodies (including food and drink) will be provided. Aid/refreshment/encouragement stations (with water, sweets and good wishes) will be available at Weston, North Stoke, and Prospect Stile; and the Fool-on-the-Hill will command Kelston Roundhill as before!

Prizes (tbc) will be awarded to the top three male and female finishers in both races.  Additional prizes for course records will also be awarded.


To enter for one of the two races please follow this link at the bottom of this page, after you have read the rules!

Bath Hilly Half = £27 (affiliated) / £29 (unaffiliated).

Ultra 10km = £22 (affiliated) / £24 (unaffiliated).

This race is organised with the sole aim of raising money for local charities, namely those supported by the Rotary Club of Bathavon and Team Bath AC itself. This gives the race a strong community feel. It benefits from the extensive facilities available at Bath Racecourse, including free car parking, plenty of toilets, changing rooms, and indoor spaces to shelter in should the weather be against us. Hot drinks and cakes will be available, for a donation (we would greatly appreciate it if you could consider giving a small  donation when you enter, which will help us maximise our contributions to the local causes).


Any queries please contact –

Don’t confuse us with the Bath Half ( – an equally fun, but very different flat city roads event!


The rules we have for the race are standard and straightforward, but for the avoidance of doubt here they are:

Risk Management

  1. This event is insured for public liability by virtue of Team Bath AC, the organising Club, being affiliated with UK Athletics and the race being registered with the Trail Running Association and following their guidelines. The up-to-date certificate plus full details of coverage can be found on the website under the tab Governance (link)
  2. A full risk analysis (link) [actual risk assessment to be provided] has been undertaken, which we will continue to update towards race day. The organisers will use this to mitigate the hazards associated with a trail race through open countryside and roads. Some responsibility falls on participating individuals to follow advisory and mandatory guidance
  3. In the event of an incident or an accident the organisers will complete a UK Athletics accident and incident form.
  4. Witnesses or helpers at the time of an incident should collect the following information for the race organisers: Date and time; description of incident with photos if possible; name, address and contact details of victim; nature of any injuries; details of any first aid of later treatment; names of those giving treatment and details of the reporting person.
  5. In the event of the theft or disappearance of property or valuables, these should additionally be reported to the race organisers and the Police.


  1. All runners will be aged 18 years or older on race day.
  2. The race is open to attached and unattached runners. Attached runners are members of a UK Athletics (UKA) affiliated club or individual members of the Trail Running Association (TRA). Unattached runners must pay an additional entry fee of £2 to meet the terms of race registration and liability cover.
  3. Running with headphone or a dog is not permitted

Route Finding

  1. Runners make road crossings at their own risk and are alone responsible for themselves. Road crossings will largely be un-marshalled. Even where there are marshals, they have no right to stop traffic and runners must not assume that a marshal will make the crossing completely safe.

Individual Responsibilities

  1. A runner who feels unwell on race day or who has a temperature or any of the signs of COVID-19 infection should not compete
  2. Runners are asked to look out for each other. If you see any fellow runner in trouble, please take time to stop and provide any support and if needed ask another runner to inform the nearest aid station (which might be behind you!) – as far as possible we will correct the time of any runner who stops to provide assistance to another runner (please talk to us at the finish).
  3. Please do not litter the race route.
  4. Openable gates should NOT be climbed. Any participant opening a gate or running through a gate opened by the runner in front must ensure that it is firmly closed behind them in a stock-proof manner.
  5. Any damage resulting to fences, gates or stiles must be reported to the marshal at the end of the stage. A runner incurring such damage must make best efforts to leave the object stock-proof.
  6. The Cotswold Way is a busy route shared with walkers, riders and animals. Runners have no right of way and should always be courteous to other users of the Cotswold Way and other footpaths.